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ASTM D6046-24 PDF


Standard Classification of Hydraulic Fluids for Environmental Impact

ASTM International , 03/01/2024


ASTM D6046-24 PDF

1.1This classification covers all unused fully formulated hydraulic fluids in their original form.

1.2This classification establishes categories for the impact of hydraulic fluids on different environmental compartments as shown in Table 1. Fluids are assigned designations within these categories; for example PwL, Pwe, and so forth, based on performance in specified tests.

1.3This classification includes environmental persistence and acute ecotoxicity as aspects of environmental impact. Although environmental persistence is discussed first, this classification does not imply that considerations of environmental persistence should take precedence over concerns for ecotoxicity.

1.3.1Environmental persistence describes long term impact of hydraulic fluids to the environment. Environmental persistence is preferably measured by ultimate biodegradation but can also be measured by other means.

1.3.2Acute toxicity describes the immediate toxic impact of hydraulic fluids to the environment. Acute toxicity is preferably measured by the three trophic levels of aquatic organisms (Algae, Crustacea, and Fish).

1.4Another important aspect of environmental impact is bioaccumulation. This aspect is not addressed in the present classification because adequate test methods do not yet exist to measure bioaccumulation of hydraulic fluids.

1.5The present classification addresses the fresh water and soil environmental compartments. At this time marine and anaerobic environmental compartments are not included, although they are pertinent for many uses of hydraulic fluids. Hydraulic fluids are expected to have no significant impact on the atmosphere; therefore that compartment is not addressed.

1.6This classification addresses releases to the environment which are incidental to the use of a hydraulic fluid. The classification is not intended to address environmental impact in situations of major, accidental release. Nothing in this classification should be taken to relieve the user of the responsibility to properly use and dispose of hydraulic fluids.

1.7This classification does not cover any performance properties of a hydraulic fluid which relate to its performance in a hydraulic system.

1.8This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.9This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

ASTM D6046-24 pdf
ASTM D6046-24 PDF
