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AS ISO 19976.1:2020 PDF


Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates – Determination of cadmium, Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

Standards Australia , 09/25/2020


AS ISO 19976.1:2020 PDF

Identically adopts ISO 19976 1:2019, which specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of the mass fraction of cadmium in copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates.

This document is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 19976‑1:2019, Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates — Determination of cadmium — Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method.

The objective of this document is to specify a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of the mass fraction of cadmium in copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates as follows:

(a) For copper sulfide concentrates, the method is applicable to the determination of mass fractions of cadmium from 0.01 % to 0.30 %.

(b) For lead sulfide concentrates, the method is applicable to the determination of mass fractions of cadmium from 0.01 % to 0.30 %.

(c) For zinc sulfide concentrates, the method is applicable to the determination of mass fractions of cadmium from 0.05 % to 0.30 %.

AS ISO 19976.1:2020 pdf
AS ISO 19976.1:2020 PDF
