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AS 4253:2019 PDF



Standards Australia , 09/03/2019


AS 4253:2019 PDF

This Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of mailboxes in both commercial and residential applications. It is intended for use by regulatory authorities and all persons concerned with the manufacture, installation, and general requirements of mailboxes

This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee MS-057, Mailboxes, to supersede AS/NZS 4253:1994, Mailboxes.

The objective of this Standard is to provide the manufacturers of mailboxes, regulatory bodies and consumers with the minimum performance requirements to address the needs of mail delivery, manufacturing and installation requirements for both commercial and residential postal applications.

This revision contains provisions designed to improve mailbox locking and positioning.

AS 4253:2019 pdf
AS 4253:2019 PDF
