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AS 2862.1:2021 PDF


Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates – Sampling, Part 1: Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content

Standards Australia , 08/27/2021


AS 2862.1:2021 PDF

This document identically adopts ISO 12743:2021 which sets out the basic methods for sampling copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates from moving streams and stationary lots, including stopped-belt sampling, to provide samples for chemical analysis, physical testing and determination of moisture content, in accordance with the relevant International Standards. Where the concentrates are susceptible to significant oxidation or decomposition, a common and sufficiently precise sample is used for moisture determination and chemical analysis to eliminate bias (see AS 2863).

AS 2862.1:2021 pdf
AS 2862.1:2021 PDF
